Our Dentists Always Welcome New Patients!
We’re always excited to see new faces at our Sleep Dentistry locations!
Whether you require a cleaning and checkup, root canal therapy, teeth whitening, full-mouth restoration, or more, we’re here to compassionately care for all your dental needs. Contact us today, and let’s get to know each other better!
New Patient?
Save time! Print our new patient form and email it to us.
New Patient Form - Portland
New Patient Form - Vancouver | West
New Patient Form - Vancouver | East
We Proudly Accept Most Insurance Plans*
We submit claims on your behalf!
We’ll review your policy and send claims directly to your insurance.
Make confident choices!
We’ll always discuss our treatment options before initiating care and help you understand your insurance coverage.
Maximize your coverage!
We’ll help you receive the treatment and procedures you need while optimizing your insurance benefits!
*Although we gladly accept most private insurance plans, we’re not a Medicaid/Medicare provider. Please contact us for details.